Fire hose

Fire hose is a specialized hose used by firefighters to deliver high-pressure water or other fire extinguishing agents to extinguish fires.

Fittings and Couplings: Fire hoses feature specialized fittings and couplings made of durable materials like aluminum or brass. These fittings allow firefighters to connect the hose to fire hydrants, fire trucks, or other firefighting equipment. They are designed for quick and secure attachment, ensuring a tight seal to prevent leakage.

Storage and Deployment: Fire hoses need to be stored properly to prevent damage and maintain their functionality. They are usually coiled and stored on hose racks or reels, ensuring easy access and quick deployment in emergency situations.

Hose Nozzles: Fire hoses are typically equipped with a nozzle at the end to control the flow and direction of the water. Nozzles come in various types, such as fog nozzles or straight stream nozzles, and can be adjusted to deliver different spray patterns depending on the firefighting requirements.


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